Um, hi, I don't have a job. Tomorrow I start training my boss' wife to do the job I now have, the one I hate, the one that pays my bills and underwrites my sushi addiction. I've kind of avoided thinking about the joblessness because of the election, but I woke up thinking about it yesterday and quickly returned to bed with a migraine. I'm a leetle bit stressed.
Despite the fact that I have had at least one job every day of my life since I was 13, I'm finding it extremely hard to look for a new thing right now. There isn't anything I particularly want to do, except read blogs and play Scrabble and cook. I think I'd like to cobble some stuff together for a while; wait tables and copy-edit and dog-sit for my yuppie neighbors and attend school. Two problems with that: One, I don't do well without some structure; I need routine in order to accomplish anything. And I'm in a bad place to be living without a steady income. Two, I don't think the school thing is going to happen in January. Recent events in the homeland make me think that no money from my mom is forthcoming, and that I shouldn't take it even if it's offered. I haven't heard anything form the school I applied to. Plus, you know, I don't have a job any more.
So, crafting a flexible schedule just for the sake of having one seems too risky. Not having enough money when you work full-time is kind of noble. Not having enough money when you waitress and copy-edit and walk dogs of your own volition is just annoying. Let's break it down like this:
Benefits of not having one full-time job:
- Not sitting on ass all day
- Not stuck with (inevitable) crappy co-workers 40 hours per week
- Grocery store all to myself
- Work at home; procrastinate by cleaning floors!
- Had better sex life as a waitress than as an office drone
- Freedom, freedom, sweet blessed freedom
- Can make own, dream schedule
- Copy-editing could take off, eventually lead to writing, writing could lead to more writing, and boom; I'm telecommuting from the Caribbean.
- No more suits, on me or anyone I talk to
Arguments against free-wheeling lifestyle:
- Am lazy SOB who enjoys sitting on ass all day
- Some former co-workers now friends, so not all co-workers suck
- No health insurance
- Not having a full-time job slap in the face to Midwestern work ethic; very blue state, and I still want Christmas presents from my family
- Dearth of marriageable men to be met while working at home in pajamas.
- Freedom: just another word for nothin' left to lose? Or just some people talkin'?
- Haven't heard of many copy-editors who went on to win the National Book Award, but I have heard of lots of waitresses who died early and wrinkly while suffering from sciatica
- Seriously, can I wait tables again? By choice? Restaurant managers horrible people, in general
- Still need some sort of career path. Is footloose life moving toward that or away? I need a goal.
That exercise wasn't really helpful. I need a life coach or something. While I figure this out, I need to continue the search for gainful employment I finally found a job (no specified salary) that I can see myself doing, and I'm totally paralyzed at the thought of writing a cover letter. Plus I have a million hours of clean-up and organization I need to do in this office today. This whole thing just blows.
Gosh, Clarita.
Can we read blogs and play Scrabble and cook together?
Posted by: | November 11, 2004 at 11:41 AM
I'm sure we could, if I knew who this was...
Posted by: Cara | November 11, 2004 at 11:57 AM