Paging Terry McAuliffe
I had a dream last night that my ears were bleeding. Not a good omen for a plane ride.
In unrelated news, I was unhappy to read that Dick Gephardt is polling even with Dean in Iowa. Also that the first primaries are only two months away. Yikes! On behalf of yellow-dog Democrats everywhere, I am concerned.
Terry McAuliffe, if you're reading this (and I know you are), please listen to me: No one even knows who Dick Gephardt is except people who follow politics closely, and the Dems in that group already know that he's a terrible leader. He's done a pretty crappy job of uniting the Democrats against the Boy King, not to mention the inexplicable midterm losses. Now, to echo my friend Kate, I'd vote for a dolphin that was running against George Bush. But don't worry about my vote. Think of me as more of an advisor.
What you need to do is find a candidate that people are really excited about. I know, I know, I keep hearing that there's all kinds of buzz among the young and hip about Dean, but I am the young and hip and I've never actually heard any of this purported buzz itself, only rumors about it.
Now, if Dean is all we have to work with, we will, but we may still have time for another strategy. Isn't there a squeaky-clean, photogenic Democratic governor we can jump on? Preferable not from the Northeast corridor--again, don't worry about us, we'll be there--and also preferably with a small child. He should also be tall, and smart, but not TOO smart, and handsome in a way that isn't sexy (a la Clinton) or pretty (the Average American isn't quite there yet. Maybe next time.)
OK, I know that's a fantasy. If someone like that existed, we'd surely have found him (people, I know I keep using the masculine pronoun here, but this is not the year for us to try a female candidate. Our day will come.) Dealing with what we have, I think it's time for an unconventional approach: declare a Dean/Clark ticket now.
Really, disregarding Gephardt, they're the only chance we have. We may as well combine them early and maximize. Dean is the one with governing experience, and he's smart. Plus he has "buzz", which is a generally meaningless asset but in this case can translate nicely into fundraising ability. Clark, of course, has the foreign policy experience, and people just seem to like him. It's true that they're both a little short, which could hurt us in the eyes of that mythical Average American, but Bush isn't that tall either, and he's a mental midget besides. Surely even the Average American has figured that out (she said hopefully.)
Let's get the bumper stickers printed now (I'll be contacting you with some design suggestions, but I like Dean/Clark 2004: Save the trees by getting rid of the Bushes" and Dean/Clark 2004: Let the doctor cure the nepotism") and start thinking about campaign songs (I'm liking "Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye", played when GWB is mentioned, and "We are the champions" by Queen, because it's catchy. Also, both songs are vaguely reminiscent of sports for me, and I understand that the Average American likes sports.)
I don't have to tell you what's hanging in the balance here, Terry, not least your job and the stability of the western world. Let's do lunch and work out the specifics.
In the mean time, I'll be working on possible stump speech templates. Dean and Clark are going to need me.
(Watch this space for a ringing endorsement of the Democratic candidate as soon as he is declared, no matter who it is. Author reserves the right to retract anything at any time.)
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