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July 08, 2004


jennifer Robiljog

I LOVE ARTEMIS FOWL SOOOO MUCH!!! Artemis and Holly should definitly fall in love because the charecters seem to mesh well...i dunno. if eoin colfer reads this he is the best author in the world and he should write more artemis fowl books becasue they r amazing! :)

Jimothy Zorogobofin

i really enjoy the artemis fowl series.it is well written and planned and the charecters are very interesting. artemis and hollly should become romantically involved.
~jimo bean


Va a saltar Artemis Fowl a la gran pantalla? porque me gustaria realmente. Han sido unos libros muy interesantes y creo que nunca volvere a leer nada igual.


Va a saltar Artemis Fowl a la gran pantalla? porque me gustaria realmente. Han sido unos libros muy interesantes y creo que nunca volvere a leer nada igual.Eoin colfer es un autor FANTASTICO , me gustaria decirle lo cuanto que me agrada pero no encuentro la manera de hacerlo bien . Debo agradecerle mucho su trabajo porque me ha motivado de verdad . GRACIAS


I LOVE Artemis! Most people think tht Holly and Artemis will fall in love. But what about Minerva? they have fallen in love havn't they? Eoin Colfer Won't ever read this but he is the best and shouldn't stop with just a sixth book.

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